How Do You Find Your Optimal Sleep Temperature in Your Home?

Maintaining your health and getting a good nights sleep has never been more important. How much sleep are you getting and the quality of your sleep are vital and how you function plays a vital roll on your overall health. Some people turn up the thermostat all the way up before they go to bed. Some people bundle up and turn the thermostat all the way down.  It turns out that the people that the people that like it colder may be getting a better sleep than the ones that like it warmer. 

As science is progressing over time it is revealing that sleeping at cooler temperatures actually help your body to reach optimal sleep levels. When you are falling asleep at night your body temperature decreases and will cool down which will expand your blood vessels which are allowing you to rest and recover properly. Many HVAC Professionals and medical experts would recommend setting your thermostat between 16 - 19 degrees Celsius to help decrease the core temperature allowing you to fall asleep much faster. 

Some additional tips for keeping your room cool at night could be:

  • Install a smart thermostat

  • Crack open your windows in the cooler months or use a fan

  • Purchase a cooling blanket that will not make you to warm

  • Drinking a cold glass of water before bed will make your core temperature drop

  • Turn off all appliances and use room darkening blinds to keep the heat out

If you upgrade to a smart or programmable thermostat that would be one of the best ways to keep consistently cool temperature in your house throughout the day and night. This is going to allow you to improve and maintain a stronger sleeping pattern without causing you to have sky high energy bills. 

If you still find yourself not being able to have a comfortable sleep or you feel like your system is not allowing you to have the most optimal sleep consider giving your local Winnipeg HVAC company a call.

How Does a Humidifier Help to Combat Dry Winter Air?

Making sure you are comfortable in the wintertime means more that just gloves, a hat and a warm coat. The frigid weather pulls all the humidity out of the air which would make more complications for your family and your home. Having dry air in your home will increase the risk of everything from sickness to even shocks from static. If you want to avoid all these concerns Legacy suggests to use a humidifier in your home. 

Some of the added benefits with humidifiers are:

  • Upholding humidity levels will lower your spending and you will not have to worry about high bills, and it will not rune the flooring or any of the furniture or the paint.

  • If there is lots of static in the air, having a humidifier will decrease the change of getting shocked from the static electricity.

  • Having a humidifier in the home with help with less skin irritations and dry skin.

  • If you have some or many indoor plants in your home, using a humidifier will make for a suitable environment for indoor plants. Having a humidifier will give your plants the greatest chance at survival.

So why would you deal with the effects of the dry air this time of year. If you get a humidifier into your home this will make you more comfortable and will help your family stay healthier this winter.

How Can You Safely Heat Your Home in the Winter?

When summer is over and winter is approaching you start to think about how you can safely heat your home in the winter. Here are 8 different things you can do. 

  1. Eliminate drafts and plug holes - Check your home for extra space around all your windows and doors that could be letting cold air into your home. If you feel any drafts fill in any cracks with weather stripping or sealant.

  2. Replace your Windows - Do you feel drafts coming in from the windows. Does it feel like your windows are wide open but really they are not? The problem could be more that just the sealant and this sounds like it maybe time to replace your windows. This will prevent the drafts and save on your energy bills.

  3. Change or clean your furnace filter - Can you remember the last time that you changed your furnace filter? If not then you are overdue for a fresh filter. A clean filter will improve your airflow and helps warm air that can make it out of your vents and into your home. Normally every 3 months you should be changing your furnace filter.

  4. Add More Insulation - Not having correct or enough insulation in your home will prevent affect how warm it will be. If you are letting hot air escape outside or making it feel colder near the walls. Adding insulation to the key places or even making an isolation upgrade in your whole home can and will make a large difference.

  5. Adjusting your Thermostat - Not sure which temperature to keep your home in the winter months? Lowering the temperature by two to three degrees Celsius is optimal for saving energy and keeping your home comfortable. A good guide for the winter months is to set your thermostat at 17 degrees celsius when you are sleeping or not home. Setting the thermostat to 20 degrees Celsius when you are home and awake will keep your home regulated.

  6. Using your ceiling fan more Effectively - The rotational direction for your ceiling fan should spin clockwise. This will make the cold air pull up and mix with the warm air near the ceiling. The resulting warm air will get pushed down and make the room feel much warmer.

  7. Moving your Furniture - Is there an area rug that is blocking your heat register or your air duct? Couch blocking a baseboard heater? Make sure you take a look around your home to see if any of these things are the cause of why maybe your home is not as warm as it could be. You may have to move some things around

  8. Make your curtains work for you - If you have window coverings in your home they can help reduce energy loss through your windows, lower your heating and cooling bills along with improving your homes comfort. Just remember that opening your curtains or blinds in the morning to let all the natural heat and sunlight in will also help with heating your home at a lower cost in the winter. Make sure to close them in the evening to keep all the heat from escaping back out through the windows.

5 Tips for Winterizing Your Home

Finding your main shutoff valve

Finding your main Shutoff valve is one of the most useful things you can know in case of an emergency. This will help you be prepared to deal with a burst pipe. Turning off your main water supply is a good way at limiting damage before a plumber comes to help. You may be able to locate it near the water meter, or in a crawl space or in the basement.

Insulation of the pipes

One of the first ways to fight against any damage in the winter is to make sure that you have good insulation on your pipes. In Manitoba when the weather becomes cold the pipes are at risk of freezing and expanding which may cause the pipes to burst. To prevent any damage from water coming into your home make sure the pipes are wrapped and insulated so it stays warm on the inside. A few things you can buy from your local Manitoba hardware store are cheap insulation or

Drain all your faucets in the home

If there is water left in the pipes it is at rest of freezing when the temperature drops. Most outdoor faucets and pipes are mostly at risk as the outdoor ones are more at risk of freezing. First you should shut off your valves along with opening all the faucets and the bleeder caps to get all the water out of the pipes. If you want to be on the safe side and leave the bleeder caps open making sure to put a bucket underneath to catch any drips and making sure you do the same with your indoor faucets.

Let the Faucet Drip

Most times you don't want your faucet to drip to save water however in the minter months letting it drip it may prevent serious damage to your home. When the weather drops below freezing temps let the water drip very slow and steady. This method works for all your faucets but this will be especially useful with exterior faucets which are at a higher risk of damage due to subzero temperatures in the winter.

Disconnect all the outdoor hoses

Aside from the faucet method it is a good idea to take care of all the hoses outdoors. When taking care of all the outdoor hoses make sure you take them and place them somewhere for the winter until the weather warms up. Install hose bib covers to prevent your hose bibs from freezing durning the night. A cover can slow down the heat loss and protect them from being damaged.

Should You Really Have Your HVAC System Serviced Annually?

Air Ducts are the most important part of your homes heating and cooling. When well maintained, your ducts will allow your HVAC system to do its job properly. This will allow you to keep comfortable in your home, keeping pollutants out, and it will allow you to keep your home dust - free. If you do not get your system serviced this can create ducts that are clogged or dirty. Numerous problems could potentially arise, including much higher energy bills and health problems for you and your family. 

A few things we are going to take about are the benefits of regular duct cleaning. Your air ducts are like the lungs of your home and if you treat them right then you will not have to worry.

Getting Rid of Mould.

Unclean ductwork can be a feeding ground for moisture which can lead to mold growth. One of the biggest problems with mold is that it is extremely difficult to detect and it spreads quickly and poses alot of different health risks. If this mold goes undetected it can spread into your floors, walls and this could lead into costing you thousands in treatment. 

Cleaned Ducts Prevent Health Issues

If you choose not to have your ducts cleaned this could lead to some serious health issues. Having your ducts cleaned will and could prevent health issues. Growing mold can be harmful and potentially deadly. Even having milder cases and dust in the home can cause some issues as well. If someone in the house has any allergies a large amount of dust will make you very unhappy. Allergies from not having your ducts cleaned can come in many different forms. Including skin irritation along with respiratory problems., these conditions can worsen over time and could become more life threatening. If there are younger children not having your ducts cleaned can develop into asthma which can last a life time. 

Improving Your Indoor Air Quality 

 When your HVAC system is overwhelmed with allergens, dust , pet dander along with any other debris is going to make your system suffer. Having proper maintenance of your ducts will improve your systems performance to help provide you with clean and well - distributed air in your home. 

Boosting your homes energy efficiency. 

If your ducts are clogged this will make your HVAC System run much harder which will give you much hight energy bills. Regular cleaning of your HVAC system may seem like more work and more money at the time but at the end of the day it will be worth it as you will see much lower energy bills every month.

Getting your ducts cleaned properly.

Now that Legacy Mechanical Services has talked to you about the importance of having your ducts cleaned for your health, comfort and finances, it is time to take action. You can try and clean your ducts on your own, but if you want it done the correct way contact Legacy Mechanical Services today.

Why is There a Burning Smell When You Turn on Your Heat?

There are a few explanations as to why you maybe smelling a burning smell when you turn on your furnace for the first time of the season. 

1 - Protective Coating

On every furnace there is a protective coating on it which protects your family from gasses like carbon monoxide which is naturally produced when the heating process begins.  If you start smelling burning when you first turn on the furnace this could be because of the coating and this smell should go away within a few minutes. 

2 - Dust

As your furnace sits over the summer months and you are turning on your heat for the first time dont be alarmed as it could just be dust that has collected on the furnace as it has been sitting not in use. This smell will disappear within a few minutes. 

Finally some smells that you should not disregard. 

1 . Burning rubber or plastic

When you turn on your furnace and smell a burning smell of rubber or plastic, this may be due to an electric issue. All the wiring that is electrical is covered in plastic to protect you against shocks that could happen. If you are smelling these smells turn off your furnace right away and have it looked at by a tech.

2 . Smell of Rotten Eggs or Gas

All gas companies add sulfur to natural gas to alert you when there is a problem with your furnace. If you are smelling gas or rotten eggs, shut off your furnace immediately, leave the home and call 911. Natural Gas exposure can make you extremely sick, plus it is highly flammable. 

3. Musty

Are you smelling a musty smell coming from your furnace? This could be because of mildew and mild which could be in the ductwork. If this is the case it is recommended that you have the ducts inspected and cleaned.

Now that we have explained some of the different smells above you are now in the know of how to take care of your new furnace. If you are still having concerns about the smells contact Legacy Mechanical Services at 204-452-9424.

How Often Should You Clean the Air Vents in Your Home?

When should you have your ducts cleaned?


Legacy Mechanical recommends that if there is mold, ducts are infested with vermin or clogged with excessive amounts of dust and debris that you may think is blowing out of the air ducts.


If you are moving into a new home, especially if the previous owners had been smokers or if there were pets in the home.

New Home or Renovations

If the home is a new build or just had any major renovations done with all the dirt and debris you may want to consider having your ducts cleaned. All of these things are not good for your HVAC system.


Another time you may want to consider having your ducts cleaned is if water has entered the system through a leak or flood and is growing in the ducts. 

3 Tips for Better Indoor Air Quality

Our team here at Legacy Mechanical understands that your home is one of the most important things to you. We want to help make you as conferrable as possible for your and your family. When it comes to your health and comfort the one thing that makes a big difference is your indoor air quality. Below we will provide you with 3 different tips on how to improve the quality of your indoor air to help you and your loved ones breath better in your home.

1 - Change your Air Filters - The first way to improve your indoor air quality is to change your air filters. Like most filters they are designed to collect undesirable substances, dust and many other irritants and this prevents good air circulation throughout your system. Air filters can only hold so much dust and debris before they are no longer effective. They should be changed every 2 - 3 months to get the full effectiveness out of them. 

2 - Keep Fabric Clean - Another way for your to improve the overall indoor air quality is to make sure that any soft surfaces in your home such as carpets, couches and curtains are clean and fresh at all times. These items as mentioned are prone to collect and trap dust and other irritants in their fibres, which have a tendency of escaping back into the air within your home. 

3 - Inspect your home for mold - Our final tip for keeping the air quality good in your home would be to check your home for mold, which can have a serious impact on your respiratory system. If you find mold in your home contact your local Mechanical company to provide a inspection for improving your overall air quality in your home. 

What Do Air Purifiers Do In Your Home?

The indoor air in your home circulates through  your homes return air duct, into the cooling/heating system and back into your living space. The air is full of little particles from both manmade and natural sources. Pollen, dander, mold, tobacco smoke along with some select viruses and bacteria. Most of these settle and appear as dust in your home. While most of these particles settle some can become airborne again with the smallest disturbance. Having an Air purifier installed near your furnace or by your air handler of your home might help remove some of the airborne particles that are circulating through your home. Having these particles removed from your home keeps equipment clean, but most importantly this removers the particles from the air that you breath. 

How Can You Stop a Toilet Overflowing?

Here are a few steps you can take if your toilet is overflowing. 

Step 1 : Use a plunger - the first thing people do when they start to see the toilet overflowing is to grab a plunger. In many cases this is the correct thing to do. It is most important to use a toilet or “flange” plunger (the one with rubber around the rim) if you are going to attempt this. If it does not work the first time you may have to repeat the plunging process several times, even if your water has stopped rising, a clog could still be present in your line, which could cause an overflow the next time you flush. 

Step 2 : Look in your toilet tank - if you have tried to plug your toilet and the water is still threatening to over flow the rim then you will want to check your toilet tank. Check the rubber flapper in the bottom of the tank and see if it opens. If it is then you want to close it immediately and take notes to see if this stops the flow of the water. If you notice that closing the flapper manually does not stop the flow of the water in the Bol then you want to inspect the tank to see if there is a float ball (rubber component that floats on the surface of the toilet tank water.) Lift up the float and check to see if this has stopped the water from overflowing. 

Step 3 : Turn Off your Toilet’s Shut-Off Valve - Turning off your toilet’s shut off valve is the final step depending on how fast the water in your toilet is rising. Overflows that are in progress or dangerously close to occurring, always go behind your toilet and look for the pipe that is connecting your toilet to the wall behind it. When looking there you should be able to find a hand crank on the line that should be able to shut off the main water coming into your toilet. Legacy recommends that when you are cleaning the toilet you make sure it is well-lubricated in case of an emergency such as an overflowing toilet. Sometimes the shut-off crank valve has rusted and you may need to use a wrench to turn it on. 

If you have tried all of the above steps and nothing has worked for you, or if you have stopped the toilet from overflowing but think there could still be a clog, make sure to call Legacy Mechanical Services and we can get your toilet working again!

The Best Way to Give Your Dog a Bath (And Not Clog the Drain)

Anyone with dogs totally know that they get hair everywhere. When you are about to give your dog a bath or shower, all the pet hair would normally go down the drain, which is causing slowdowns and clogs within your pipes. 

Protect your Bath Drain is most important.

When you are about to give your dog a bath make sure you try and brush your dog before the bath to remove all the matts and knots or debris that may be collected on your dog.  You can try a hair catcher drain cover, however some dog have hair that is very fine or short and it will still get through the drain. Legacy’s favourite tip is the baby method for dog baths. 

The Baby Wipe Method

Before you fill up the bath tub to give your dog a bath, place a baby wipe over the drain and place the plug over the wipe as this will act as a filter. Wash your dog as you normally would. When it is time to drain the water, hold the baby wipe flat as you pull the plug. The wipe will act as a filter and it shall collect any remaining hair from the bathwater as it drains. Throw away the wipe when you are done. Clean the rest of the tub with another wipe so that there is no hair going down the drain as you rinse the tub.

It is possible to bathe your dog and keep the clogged drains from happening. If you still have a clogged drain or other plumbing problems please contact Legacy Mechanical Services today and our experts can help you with your plumbing needs. 

Weird Things People Flush Down the Toilet

There are two things that should be flushed down the toilet only that is toilet paper and human waste. Some of the different things that people are flushing down their toilet are:

  • Food

  • Money

  • Diapers

  • Chemicals

  • Cat litter

  • Sheets

  • Cigarette butts

  • Wet wipes

  • Baby wipes

  • False teeth (dropped by accident)

  • Tissue, Q-tips, cotton balls.

  • Fish, Mice, Spiders, baby turtles etc.

The bottom line is your toilet is only for flushing human waste and toilet paper and NOTHING ELSE. All of the above things will most likely cause you to have to call a Plumber. If your toilet happens to be clogged because of something like the above has been flushed down the toilet that shouldn’t have been then call Legacy Mechanical Services to unclog your toilet today!

Does Running A Ceiling Fan Help to Keep the Room Cooler?

Ceiling fans do not actually lower the temperature in a room. However, it can make the space feel much cooler. Using a ceiling fan creates something called a windchill effect. This means that moving air across your skin can evaporate sweat at a faster rate and can lower your body temperature. 

A ceiling fan can make the room feel cooler by redistributing air in the room. Normally hot air will rise and cool air will settle. Using a ceiling fan will help pull the cold air up and it will circulate around your face instead of around your feet. All of this will help cool down a room even when the temperature remains high throughout the room. Although ceiling fans do not actually cool air, they will help your AC to do its job and keep the rooms in your house cool.

In Winnipeg with our summers and high humidity running a ceiling fan is a good idea to help with cooling costs along with helping your AC work a little better at keeping the room cool. 

Central Air vs. Window Units - Which is Best?

Central Air Conditioner Pros: 

  • Efficiency and Features - A window air conditioner just won’t have the amazing features of a central air conditioner, and won’t be able to provide air filtration to the extent that a central air conditioner will (Important if you have asthma or bad allergies)

  • Even Room Temperatures - A window air conditioner will be frosty neat the unit, but might have some warm spots on the other side of the room. That is because it will not circulate the air in your room as efficiently as a central AC unit.

  • Whole - House Cooling. - A central air conditioner will cool your whole house, whereas a window air conditioner will only cool the room it is installed in.

Central Air Conditioner Cons:

  • They are expensive - Central air conditioner are a lot more expensive to install and run than a window AC unit. More on this later.

  • They are expensive to fix! - You could buy a new widow air conditioner for the price of an average central AC repair.

Window AC Unit Pros: 

  • They are inexpensive - Window air conditioners are a lot cheaper to buy and operate.

  • Air Condition the room you’re in - Window air conditioner only air condition the room that they are in, so you can have one in the bedroom,, one in the main room and only runt the one that you need, saving energy.

  • No installation cost - HVAC contractors like us are expensive, and you cant install a central air conditioner by yourself. But you can install a window AC by yourself.

Window Air Conditioner Cons:

  • Filtration - Although window air conditioners are getting better at filtering the air, they just cant compare to a central air conditioner. So, if you have asthma or allergies, central AC is far better.

  • Hot spots - Window air conditioners don’t circulate the air in your room as efficiently as a central AC unit, so you’ll have spots that are freezing, spots that are warm, and spots that are just right.

All factors being equal, most homeowners would choose to install central air condition over A/C window units. Yet there is one factor that is not equal, and it changes everything: cost. Central air condition is vastly more expensive to install than window units. If you need to have more than one room cooled, window units can also be expensive depending on how many you will need. If you have 30 or fewer days each year where you need cooling, it is economically wise to install window units rather than central air. 

However, if you have a large house with many rooms, and you want all or most of these rooms to be climate-controlled we would recommend installing central air, even if you are below that 30-day limit. With those factors in mind you can decide which of these will be the best for you and for your family. 

What is the Optimal Humidity Level for Your Home?

We all know that in Manitoba the humidity levels are much lower in the winter and the fall which could very well lead to a dry throat, dry skin and itchy eyes. When you are setting your furnace you want to keep the indoor humidity in the correct range for ideal comfort. Let’s talk about what your normal humidity levels should be in Winnipeg. 

The below 4 signs that your humidity could be off in your home are as follows:

1 -  You are not getting a good nights sleep

Dry air can make you more prone to getting sick, since your nose is always dried out. Being sick always means that you are not sleeping well at night. Also, the more the humidity the more chance you have at a scratchy throat which could in turn cause you to snore more and your sleep will be effected. 

2 - Static Electricity

Humidity and the dry air in your home can lead to increased static electricity. This can be managed if you keep an eye on your humidity levels in your home.

3 - Flooring or Furniture splitting or damaged along with wood cabinets.

Air that becomes too parched can blemish any wooden belonging as it removes moisture. Using a home humidifier can keep your residence and possessions looking as good as new. 

4 - Skin feels dry and irritated

If you find yourself requiring a lot of lotion and your skin is still feeling dry when you are inside your home, your humidity levels could be the issue. Low humidity can also lead to increased coughing and cracked dry lips. 

If you are still finding that you are having humidity issues in your home call your local HVAC company in Winnipeg today!

HVAC Troubleshooting Tips Homeowners Should Know

It should not be a surprise to you that your HVAC system needs to be regularly maintained. Doing regular maintenance includes: regular maintenance checks, changing your air filters throughout your home and calling the professionals if you are finding you are having issues with your system.  Even with regular maintenance you still may find that your may have problems with your HVAC System. As a homeowner here are a few things you can do to troubleshoot some of the issues you maybe having.

1 - Check your air filters - Check and replace your air filters every 2 - 3 months this means you should always have a few air filters on hand so it can be replaced. This will make sure that your unit is running properly, along with improved air quality. If your air filters are not changed every 2 - 3 months it can force your system to work much harder and circulate common household allergens such as pet hair, debris along with pollen. 

2 - Check the Outside Unit - When you think about checking your HVAC system it is likely that you are overlooking the outside unit. The is an extremely important part of the system, as it is the central point of airflow throughout your home. With the unit being outside things such as leaves and debris including branches can get stuck within the unit casing  causing your unit to suffocate. Removing all debris from and around the system will help the unit run more efficiently. 

3 - Monitor your thermostat usage - There are a few notes that you should make about your thermostat. If you may think there is an issue with your thermostat monitor the the settings and if it does not adjust accordingly that could be a sign that your unit is not working correctly. It is important to know that if you set your temperature control to 20 - 21 degrees celsius year round this could eliminate any issues that may arise within your system as fluctuating the temperature all the time can lead to HVAC Issues. 

4 - Making sure the unit has power - Although this seems like the most obvious thing, if you have had a bad storm and to check your unit to make sure that it has power. Sometimes you don’t realize that your unit has lost power until it is either really hot or really cold in your place. If you think that your unit has lost power make sure to check the breaker box. 

5 - High Utility Bills - Everyone would like to save some money, and starting with our utility bills seems like a good place for us to start. If you are seeing some unexpected increases in your utility bills weather it be winter or summer there could be an issue with your HVAC system,. 

There are a lot of ways that you are able to keep your HVAC system working at its best. Not only the above tips will help you notice if there could be something wrong with your system. Legacy Mechanical Services recommends regular maintenance on your HVAC Systems to ensure that there are no issue and that everything is running efficiently. 

What Are the Most Common Types of Indoor Air Pollutants?

The top 4 air pollutants in a home are : Carbon Monoxide, Mould & Radon. As scary as this sounds there are a few things that can be done about it. 

  1. Get Professional Duct Cleaning - The air ducts to your HVAC System are a critical. This is how the air and the heat travel throughout your home. Unlike the rooms in your home, you may have never had your ducts cleaned. Dust can build up quite fast in the ducts and this can cause allergy symptoms. Also if you have noticed that your energy bills are getting higher and your family is having more allergy symptoms if it probably a good idea to start with calling a professional and scheduling to have your ducts cleaned.

  2. Using an Indoor Air Purifier - Another way to improve the air quality in your home is to purchase an Air Purifier. Having an air purifier appliance in your home is a good way to get rid of allergens and other pollutants from the air.

  3. Change your Air Filters on your HVAC System - The Air filter on your HVAC system works like an air purifier. This will only be effective if you regularly change them roughly every three months. With that being said make sure you are checking the manufactures recommendation as to the regular maintenance of changing the air filter. If you have pets, smoke out have allergies you may need to replace the filter sooner as it will collect more allergens.

  4. Let in the Fresh Air - As important as it is to filter out all the particles from your indoor air, you also need to remember to let the fresh air into your home. On low pollen days be sure to open the window and let the fresh air in. You can open the window in the winter months as well to let a little bit of fresh air in.

Benefits of Installing Water Softener

Hard Water is full of “ Hard Minerals”.  Hard water has high levels of calcium carbonate and magnesium in the water which makes it so hard on your sink, hair and plumbing.  The harder your water is the more buildup and film you might experience.  Depending on where you live in Manitoba will depend if you need or should look into investing in a Water Softener Unit. The 7 benefits of having a Water Softener Unit are:

Healthier, Softer Skin

The fist benefit of having a water softener unit installed would be for softer skin. Alot of the time people are used to having hard water which is making their skin feel dry after a shower which is leading them to use massive amounts of moisturizer to help reduce any irritation. With a Water Softener Unit you will be pleasantly surprised. It turns out that the type of soap, moisturizer or what kind of skin type you have might not be to blame. With all the harsh minerals out of your water, your skin will not feel nearly as dry after your shower as the water becomes much more gentler with the Water Softener Unit. 

Strong Shiny Hair

If you have a lot of hair and it requires alot of care, you may want to think about installing a Water Softener. You maybe spending alot of time trying to decide which shampoo is best for you and you feel like you are losing an ongoing battle.  Just like your skin, the hard water will dry out your hair making it feel very brittle or damaged. Even with all the products that have moisture in them. The best way to make your hair feel healthy again is to wash it in the right kind of water. Softer water that is free of chemicals and damaging minerals will make you feel like your hair is strong and shiny. 

Clothing is softer and cleaner looking. 

As you can see if soft water can do so much good for your skin and hair it can do wonders for your clothing.  Remember how you bought your favourite sweater and how soft it was? What happened when you washed it? Did it stop being soft? Well Guess what? It is not the laundry detergent that is the problem, it is the hard water making your clothing no longer soft.  Just like your hair and skin, hard water will also dry out different kinds of fabric. If you are noticing that your clothing is still coming out looking like it is still dirty it is because the hard water is leaving a mineral build up on your clothes and the soap can not quite cut through making you thing that your cloths are still dirty. 

Removing any unwanted tastes from your tap drinking water. 

Are you wondering about what the “Earthy” taste is in your water? Depending on your water source , that earthy taste can be traces of hard minerals to metallic like iron. Everyone has a different taste. For Example; people may prefer softer water compared to hard water because it doesn’t taste like minerals, chloramine, fluoride, or any other natural or chemical additives. 

Soft Water is Easier on your Appliances and Pipes. 

Having soft water is softer on everything. Having a Soft water Unit will not cause scale buildup on your appliances or your plumbing. This will also help reduce scale-related plumbing problems in the future.  A water softener system will also help cleaning go more promptly, in part because soft water reacts much more better with soap. This will give you lots of suds and bacteria-killing power.

Softer Water Will Save Money

If all the above health benefits are not enough to make you want to get a Soft Water Unit, think about saving money on your electric bill. Calcium is not a heat conductor. Are you wondering why this should matter to you? Well, with all the scale buildup that happens from hard water is also happening in your hot water tank. Which in turn is causing more energy to be used. Having a Soft water system, will not cause buildup and will decrease any calcium in your water heater has to fight against. In addition this will use an efficient amount of energy and it will in turn keep your hot water costs down. 

Cleaner Dishes 

Are you finding film residue or film on your dishes, this would be due to the mineral deposits and calcium left from the hard water when the dishes dry. Normally you will see this on wine glasses, coffee. Crafts and this is happening from the tap water without a soft water system. The sediment in the water could make scratches on your nice glass wear and any protective coating on dishes. This will cause soap scum and food to stick making it much more difficult and harder to get your dishes clean. 

If you are ready to say goodbye to the hard water, dry skin, dry hair and unwanted additives and scale? Contact Legacy Mechanical Services today to find out which Soft Water Unit will be best for your needs. 

DIY Drain Cleaning and Why It's a Bad Idea

We’ve all done it. When our tubs or sinks get clogged, our immediate reaction is to grab the chemical drain cleaner. But is it doing more harm to your home’s plumbing system than good? If you’re thinking about DIY drain cleaning in Manitoba, you might want to think again.

The Truth About Store - Bought Drain Cleaners 

While some store-bought chemical drain cleaners may seem like the cheaper more convenient option in comparison to professional plumbers in Winnipeg, Manitoba, it can actually be doing more harm than good. What the companies who manufacture these products don’t tell you is that the chemicals (sodium hydroxide or sulfuric acid) that are used to create these drain cleaners can actually be harmful to your home’s pipes and cause damage to them over time. This even goes for the ones that claim to be “safe on pipes.”

There are many different alternative liquid-based drain cleaners you can try if you want to try clearing minor clogs on your own. All-natural enzymatic products can break up organic material and bacteria that may be clogging your pipes, but they are not strong enough to break down especially tough clogs. For more stubborn clogs, we recommend professional drain cleaning in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Proper DIY Maintenance for your Drains 

With All of that being said there are still some DIY drain cleaning methods that won’t cause harm to your pipes. You will find 5 options below you can do in order to fix some minor clogs. 

  1. Baking Soda and Vinegar - Pour half a cup of baking soda down your drain, followed by half a cup of vinegar. Cover your sink and let it sit over night or for at least 8 hours. The next day, flush out the drain using hot water and they should work just like new! Repeat this process as required.

  2. Baking Soda and Lemon Juice - If you prefer the smell of lemon to vinegar use the same measurements as the “ Baking Soda and Vinegar Method”. Pour the baking soda down the rain followed by the Lemon Juice. Let it sit for an hour and then flush it with boiling water.

  3. Salt, Borax and Vinegar - Use a half a cup of table salt and half cup of borax, pouring the mixture down the drain. Similar to the first two methods let it sit anywhere from 30 minutes to 8 hours. Use boiling water to flush out the pipe.

  4. Hot Water - Believe it or not, hot water is all you need sometimes to clear a minor clog in the pipes. This especially works well for backups or clogs caused by grease build up. Use two liners of boiling water and slowly pour it down the drain. Doing this will heat up the grease in the pipe and will allow the backup to properly be flushed down. This may take a few tries, but you can also add a few tablespoons of liquid dish soap to your boiling water to speed up the process.

  5. Plunger - This method works best for kitchen sinks. Sometimes food gets stuck in the curve of the pipe under the sink, which can be very difficult to snake or auger. Fill your sink with warm water from the tap and plunge it. A rubber plunger is recommended.

Unfortunately, most of the above DIY drain cleaning options are only used for minor clogs. For more serious issues, you will have to contact your local Plumber.