Why Plumbers Hate Drano

It is almost inevitable that you’ll encounter a clogged drain or toilet at some point. if you’re like many homeowners, your first instinct may be to reach for Drano to clear up the clog. However, what many homeowners do not realize is that professional plumbers hate Drano because it can actually do more harm than good in the long run.

In fact, using Drano can end up causing serious damage to your plumbing over time, potentially leaving you with costly repairs that could have been avoided by calling a plumber for regular drain cleaning. Keep reading to learn more about what Drano is, how it works, and why plumbers advise against using it.

What is Drano, and How Does it Work?

Drano is a common lye-based drain cleaning product. It is meant to clear blockages when poured down a drain by dissolving and decomposing masses that may be blocking your pipes. When you pour Drano down your sink, a series of reactions take place that is meant to clear a clog.

First, the lye in Drano decomposes physical matter in your pipes. Then, aluminum in the product reacts with the lye, causing the temperature in your pipes to reach near boiling to help speed up decomposition. Finally, the lye forms a soapy substance that dissolves the clogged material and creates room for water to wash the clog away.

While the chemicals in Drano are meant to eat away at whatever is clogging your pipes, the strength of these chemicals can actually cause damage to plastic, and even metal, pipes.

If you frequently use Drano and did not know it could be harmful, here is a look at just a few of the reasons why we advise against using it.

It is Extremely Corrosive For Your Drains

Unfortunately, the corrosive effects of Drano do not just affect the clog you were trying to get rid of. When your pipes are clogged, Drano will sit on top of the clog, continually reacting and generating heat until the clog dissolves. This can put a great deal of stress on your drains as the heat can cause PVC pipes to soften and even break or collapse.

While it is dissolving your clog, Drano can also quickly eat away at the glue holding your pipes together, leading to a potentially costly leak.

Drano’s effects can be particularly devastating on toilets, which is why you should avoid using this product to clear a blocked toilet. The fact is that porcelain toilets often are not made to withstand the heat generated by Drano, and this heat can actually cause your toilet bowl to crack, resulting in potentially costly damage.

Drano is Bad for The Environment

Unfortunately, even if your plumbing escapes an encounter with Drano relatively unscathed, the same likely can’t be said for the environment. Once you pour Drano down your sink, and it works its way through your pipes, it still has to go somewhere.

When Drano exits your plumbing and enters the municipal sewer system, it can have a profound effect on the environment as it can harm the plants and animals it comes into contact with. It can even contaminate the local water supply. With how toxic and corrosive Drano is, it can continue to have an impact on the environment long after it has left your home.

Drano is Often a Temporary Fix

While Drano may work to clear a clogged sink, it may only act as a temporary fix if there are more serious problems with your plumbing. If you notice that you are repeatedly encountering clogs in the same area of your home, then it is likely that you have a plumbing issue more serious that can be addressed by Drano. In fact, by continuing to use Drano on a chronic clog, you could be causing severe damage to your home’s plumbing system.

Thusly, if you choose to use Drano on a clogged sink and the clog returns, do not continue to pour Drano down your sink. Doing so could cause your pipes to melt, causing costly damage to your home’s plumbing. If you choose to use Drano and you still encounter problems with a clog, contact a plumber to have the problem professionally addressed.

The Best Methods for Clearing a Clog

If you are faced with a clogged toilet or sink, call us at Legacy Mechanical Services. Our skilled drain technicians are fully equipped with the tools to get the job done right the first time. Call us today to hear about our drain cleaning methods!

Is It Time To Call A Professional Drain Cleaning Company in Winnipeg?

If using a plunger or drain snake does not clear your clog, this is a sign that it is time to call a professional plumber. Considering the risks that come with using Drano, hiring a plumber to clear the clog for you will still be the safer and cheaper option in the long run. Feel free to contact us to learn more about the risks of using Drano or to find out about scheduling an appointment to have your clogged drain fixed.