Sump Pump Discharge in Winter

A sump pump is an important part of your home’s outdoor drainage system. Water draining from sump pumps in the winter can cause ice to build up on sidewalks and streets, causing a public hazard. If your sump pump is causing ice to form on public sidewalks or roadways, you need to correct the situation before getting notice from the City of Winnipeg. Below are some tips to help keep your sump pump in good working order.

  • Check your sump pump discharge pipe regularly to ensure that it does not freeze. This is especially important when the temperature fluctuates frequently.

  • The sump pump discharge pipe should be directed a minimum of 1.5 metres away from the foundation. The sump discharge pipe must be minimum distance of 7.5 metres back from the curb line.

  • Your pipe should be sloped so that water drains out and does not sit and freeze inside the hose. A frozen line could damage your sump pump. If you are connected to an underground collection system, this does not apply.

  • A positive grade from your house will also help minimize flooding in your home. Water that sits close to your home may flow down your foundation to your sump pump where it will have to re-pump it out. This can cause premature burn-out of your sump pump.

  • Be considerate - make sure the water from your discharge pipe does not cause icing on a neighbour's property.

We do not rcommend using a discharge hose or pipe connected to your sump pump discharge pipe. The sump pump discharge may freeze in the hose causing damage and flooding. A better option is to use eavestrough piping or splash pad.